WANTED: London Slaves 2.10. – 7.10.2019

I’m immensely happy to attend Madame Caramel’s FemDomBall this year. As it has been far too long since I last visited London I decided to add a few days of vacation to it. This is a rare chance for lifestyle subs who really want to serve:

  • Entertain me in the evening: fine dinner, a fancy cocktail bar, the theater, …? Be creative and make sure we will share fond memories of this evening.
  • Take me shopping: Oxford Street or Knightsbridge? Maybe more intimate places like What Katie Did, House of Harlot or lingerie boutiques? You will be my perfect assistant helping me with zippers and laces, giving your opinion when asked and of course picking up not only the bags but also the bills.
  • Breakfast Boy: A tall vanilla latte with soy milk and a pinch of cinnamon. Accompanied by a vegan sandwich or some vegan pastry. I will tell you a time and place where you will wait for me and hand me my to-go breakfast to start a fabulous day of kink and culture.
  • The Human ATM: You are no good at serving physically but you get so damn hard by the idea of handing me your hard earned cash? Then you may apply for a public cash meet.
  • Foot massages after a long day: I love exploring cities by foot. And my feet hate me for it! 😀 You may tend to my feet and legs and help me relax after an exciting day.

I’m on vacation that meens I will not offer regular paid sessions. You want to seize the chance of serving a naturally dominant lady in her private time? Then apply via email with your intended way of serving, your availability and the subject „London Slave 2019“.

photo: Fotorella Berlin, servant: Honey Magnolia

There is also a chance for those who love the exquisite smell of a Goddess. You may buy my worn, probably sweaty intimates:

  • Available: panties, socks, pantyhoses, t-shirts.
  • Apply early as there is a natural limitation of how many items I will wear during the week 😉
  • Special requests can be made until 29.9.2019.
  • I can seal them airtight and ship them to you or you might receive them from my hands personally.
  • Prices start at 50 GBP/EUR per item and 75 GBP/EUR for a pick up meeting.

Requests may be sent via email with the subject line „Intimates of London 2019“ and include your desired item(s) and preferred way of delivery – inkl. availability if you want to meet in person.

photo: Fotorella Berlin

Lingerie Madness

[English version below the picture]

Manchmal fühlt man sich ja vom Leben betrogen – aber zumindest kann man in manchen Fällen noch drüber schmunzeln. So einen Fall hatte ich gestern. Ich bekam eine Email von brands4friends, in der beworben wurde, dass es aktuell Hitachi-Produkte im Sale gibt. Eine Welle der Begeisterung überkam mich, denn natürlich war mein erster (und offen gestanden einziger) Gedanke der Magic Wand. Doch was schaute mich da an, als ich den Link anklickte? Akku-Schrauber und Rasenmäher. AKKUSCHRAUBER UND RASENMÄHER?!
Ich war enttäuscht, nein, geradezu empört! 😀
„Nun bin ich schon hier, mal schauen, was sie noch so haben…“ dachte ich und klickte auf das Bild mit der Passionata-Unterwäsche.
Ich scrollte ein wenig – und verliebte mich spontan! Smaragdgrüne Satin-Dessous funkelten mich an.
„Na, wahrscheinlich wieder nicht in meiner Größe…“ dachte ich.
DOCH! 80G!
Alle Enttäuschung über den nicht vorhandenen Vibrator war vergessen, ich sah mich schon freudig in grünem Satin über Felder und Wiesen hüpfen und dann … dann, stand da „AUSVERKAUFT“.
Neeeeein! Oh Konsumwelt, wie kannst du nur so grausam sein?

… ja, gut, ich neige heute vielleicht ein wenig zur Theatralik 😉
Aber ich finde das Set wirklich großartig, konnte es aber bei einer spontanen Web-Recherche nicht finden. Und hier, liebe Fangemeinde, kommt eure Schwarmintelligenz ins Spiel 😀
Ich mache so was ja sonst eher nicht, habe da aber in diesem Fall richtig Lust dazu:
Wer mir das Set (alle 3 Teile) besorgt, bekommt ein exklusives Video von mir in diesen Dessous.
Exklusiv heißt: Niemand sonst wird es zu sehen bekommen.
(BH: 80G, Höschen: 42/44)

Sometimes you feel like life defrauded you. But as long as you can chuckle about it everything is fine 😉
I had such a situation yesterday. I got an email from brands4friends in which they advertised selling Hitachi products right now. Of course my first – and to be honest – only thought was of course the Magic Wand. But when I clicked at the link what did I see? screwdrivers and lawnmowers! SCREWDRIVERS AND LAWNMOWERS?! Oh, screw you, screwdriver!
‚OK, now I’m here anyway. Let’s see what else they got.“ I thought and clicked on the picture of the Passionata lingerie. I scrolled I little bit – and fell in love instantly! A set of beautiful emerald green dessous.
‚Surely not in my size as usual…‘ I thought.
But NO! Ther it was: 80G! My size! Oh, the happiness!
Forgotten was all the frustration about the missing vibrator!
I saw myself hopping around happily and halfnaked with nothing more than this green satin set!
But there it was: SOLD OUT. Noooooo! Oh, world of consumerism how can you be so cruel?!

Yes, OK, maybe I’m a little overdramatic here 😉
But I’m really enchanted by this set and would love to own it. Sadly my web research didn’t get my anywhere. And here, my lovely fans, your fetishistic hive mind comes into play 😀
I usually don’t so this but this time it feels like fun and I’m in the right mood for it:
Whoever gets me that set (all 3 pieces) will get an exclusive clip of me in that dessous set.
Exclusive meens: Noone else will see it.
(bra: 80G, knickers: 42/44)

Sale: Xmas Socks

In letzter Zeit fiel mir wieder öfter auf, dass die Sockenliebhaber bei mir scheinbar ein bisschen zu kurz kommen. Nun ja, ich gestehe, ich hege zu Socken auch einfach nicht die gleiche Liebe wie zu fein gewebten Strumpfwaren, aber ich habe auch keine Abneigung dagegen. Im Gegenteil, für außergewöhnliche Paare kann ich mich durchaus freudig begeistern. So kam ich z.B. an diesem Weihnachtspaar nicht vorbei und glaube aber dennoch, dass sie in echten Liebhaberhänden viel besser aufgehoben wären – selbstverständlich nachdem sie noch mal die Luft meiner Winterstiefel schnuppern durften 😉
Bei Interesse schreib mir einfach eine Mail!

Recently I noticed more than once that the sock lovers get a raw deal with me. Ok, I admit that I don’t love socks with the same passion as the fine knitted hosiery but I don’t dislike them either. On the contrary: for extraordinary pairs I can get quiet excited. That the reason why I had to buy this Xmas pair but I really think that they would have a better life with a real sock enthusiast. Of course after sniffing a bit of the air in my private winter boots 😉
If you want them write a mail and let me know!

Sale: Ripped Pantyhose

Hups, sieht aus, als hätte ich da eine kleine Laufmasche 😉 😀
Ich hatte diese Strumpfhose den ganzen Tag an. Wenn DU sie gern hättest, tausche ich sie mit dir gegen ein neues Paar (glänzend, helle Farbe, von Kunert, Größe IV).

Ups! Seems like a got a little ladder in my pantyhose 😉 😀
I’ve worn these tights the whole day. If YOU would like to have this ripped pair of nylon love just bring/send me a new one (shiny, light colour, by Kunert, size IV).

Lingerie – am I a collector or an addict? ;)

Usually lingerie is made for wearing it under your regular clothes. But it can be so beautiful it would be a shame to hide it! Wearing a stunning set of bra, panties, corset, nylons, garters and high heels doesn’t let me feel naked at all. On the contrary: I feel perfectly dressed to do whatever I want! Marylin Monroe said: „Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world!“. I agree but as a busty woman I would like to add: „Give her the right bra too!“ 😉
As long as I can remember I am in love with fine and extraordinary underwear. My eyes start to sparkle when I see satin and lace, garters and corsets and sometimes I even start to make sounds that one usually makes when seeing a bunch of baby kittens 😀
With my natural grown wonders (bra size EU 80G or UK 36F) finding those lingerie babies is not always easy but that makes it even more special when I get a new set. And sometimes I get a little carried away when it comes to lingerie shopping (especially when there is a red sale sign on it *g*) and than it can be like this:

I don’t appreciate requests for naked sessions (even if I get naked sometimes in tease and denial games but that’s a different topic 😉 ) but I have no objection to do a session in lingerie. If you would enjoy a dominant encounter with a dressed to kill lady in underwear: Feel free to ask for it! I’m sure there is more than one of you out there appreciating this offer 😉
Also if you would like to see me in a special set or just want to make me happy: Bring it on! Rather than maybe some other ladies I am not offended by giving underwear 🙂
So far lingerie (as well as pantyhoses) got a little short shrift in my photo shootings but I hope to change that in the upcoming months. Let’s hope I find the time for it! Until then my wishlist gives a nice orientation of what I like.
But I also would like if you, my dear readers, have any kind of preferred undergarments! This question goes to the gentlemen as well as to the ladies I know reading here too! 😉

To finish this article: What would be an article talking about sexy clothing without a little eye candy, hm?
Here we go, enjoy!

Eye Candy: Nylon-Video auf YouTube

Im Gegensatz zu manchen Kolleginnen drehe ich ja keine Filme. Bewegte Aufnahmen von mir sind also eher rar. Dieses Wochenende habe ich mir allerdings die Zeit genommen und habe meinen YouTube-Kanal reaktiviert. Füße und Latex in der Badewanne waren wohl eindeutig zu heiß und wurden daraufhin vor einiger Zeit gesperrt… Ich habe aber nicht nur die alten Videos wieder verfügbar gemacht, sondern mir tatsächlich die Zeit genommen, ein neues zu drehen. Technisch weit entfernt von Perfektion, aber das ist ja auch nicht der springende Punkt 😉 Ich wollte einfach ein bisschen Nylonlust mit meinen lieben Gästen, Fans und Followern teilen 🙂
Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!
Und wem das virtuelle Material nicht reicht, der weiß ja, wo er mich findet 😉