Kinky Places Worldwide

[English version below the picture]

Es gibt ja eine Menge dieser Listen á la „10 Dinge, die du in deinem Leben gesehen haben musst“. Heute kam für mich die Frage auf:
Welche Fetisch-Locations sind so toll, dass man da unbedingt mal gewesen sein muss?
Primär denke ich dabei an BDSM-Apartments und Dominastudios, in die man sich einmieten kann. Aber auch besonders tolle Parties, Geschäfte o.Ä. aus dem Fetischbereich sind als Tipp ganz herzlich willkommen. Beglückt mich mit euren Favoriten! Wo seid ihr besonders gern oder wo wollt ihr unbedingt mal hin?

There are a lot of these „10 things to do before you die“ lists. Today following question sprung to my mind:
Which fetish locations are so great that I just need to have seen them?
Primarily I think of BDSM apartments and dungeons for hire but I’m also very happy to hear about awesome parties, fetish shops and things alike.
Delight me with your favourites! Where do you love to be or where would you like to go some day?

Just some stuff for being a naughty doctor…

I guess my postman starts wondering why I get so many big and heavy packages 😀
Today I restocked some of the bare necessities for playing safe and clean while being very dirty 😉

Eletro therapy with TENS stimulation; irrigator, enemas and rectal catheders for anal preparations; sterile lube for urethal sound play, some basics like tape and one-way sheets and some face masks just because I love the look of them! 🙂
I have an entire rack at home where I hoard expendable items like the the mentioned above, NaCl infusions, different gloves, needles and much more. I can easily turn your hotel room into a bizarre healthcare centre! 😀

New Year’s News 2017

[English version below picture]

Ich hoffe, ihr hattet alle wunderbare Feiertage und seid gut ins neue Jahr gekommen!
Das vergangene Jahr war gefüllt mit vielen spannenden und intensiven Begegnungen, aber auch mit Veränderungen und Umbrüchen und so geht auch das neue Jahr mit einigen Veränderungen los:
Die Tätigkeit im Studio nimmt zwar einen wichtigen Platz in meinem Leben ein, ist aber beileibe nicht mein einziges Projekt. Neben Sessions außerhalb des Studios und dem Posieren für (Fetisch)Fotos gibt es auch noch einige andere Dinge, denen ich mich widme. Um allen Dingen, die mir wichtig sind, gerecht werden zu können, werde ich keine festen Anwesenheitszeiten im Studio mehr anbieten. Sessions sind ab sofort nur noch nach konkreter Terminvereinbarung und mit einer Vorlaufzeit von mindestens 3 Stunden möglich.
So kann ich mich entspannt und mit Freude jeder einzelnen Session widmen, statt mit meiner Zeit jonglieren zu müssen 🙂
Grundsätzlich sind Sessions an jedem Tag der Woche möglich, wenn mein Terminplan es zulässt. Nach wie vor bin ich nicht für Termine am Vormittag zu begeistern, dafür umso mehr für Langzeiten.

I hope you all spent wonderful holidays and had a great start into great 2017!
The last year was filled with lots of exciting and intense encounters but also with a lot of changes and transistions and so the new year also begins with some changes:
My work at the studio is an important part of my life but by far not my only project. Apart from sessions outside the studio and (fetish) modelling I have some other things I dedicate my time and attention to. To be able to match up to all the things important to me I will no longer offer regular visiting hours at the studio. From now on I will only be there for concrete appointments. Appointments must be arranged at least 3 hours in advance.
This way I can enjoy relaxed sessions instead of juggling with my time 🙂
In general session are possible everyday as far as my schedule allows it. You still can’t enthuse me for forenoon appointments but a fortiori for longterm sessions.

Glitter, Glamour, Garters – Burlesque Babes

[—> deutsche Version dieses Beitrags]

Yes, yes, that are a lot of allitartaions, but hey, it’s all about burlesque, baby! There is no „too much“! 😉
But maybe I should start at the beginning to not leave you completely startled 😉
In the middle of November I will spend a whole week with 3 very close friends (all 3 lovely kinky ladies!) in a gite abroad and there will be glitter in the air because we are attending a burlesque festival. That means our days will be filled with the sound of real nylons, red lipstick, corsets and gloves. All topped with a little champagner and body glitter 😉
Uh, you would love a peek a boo of that, wouldn’t you…?
I’m sure a few pics will find their way to my Twitter account over these days. But the hot details will stay a secret – we are ladies, aren’t we?! Unless of course you become our partner in crime… On my wishlist you can find a lot of burlesque items (dresses, shoes, stockings, lingerie, pasties and so many more).
Everyone who contributes to the glamour of our trip by sending something nice from my list will get on my exclusive mailing list during this week and will be able to enjoy this trip with me, with us, from afar and still be an intimate part of it.
Now it’s up to you to give in to you curiosity or stay all too curious forever… 😉

What’s your favourite type of play?

Someone asked „What’s your favourite kind of play?“ in the ProDomme group on Fetlife and I considered it would be nice to publish my answer here as well:

There are many practices I enjoy but what makes me really enjoy a session is a certain kind of feeling, a connection with my client. To know that I am the centre of his universe right now, to see him shiver when I run a finger down his spine, to see little pearls of sweat on his forehead just because I gave him this special evil smile…
When I have this connection with someone even things that are not that high on my personal kink list can thrill me a lot. E.g. recently I deepthroated one of my regulars with a huge strapon. Usually I don’t like that chooking and gagging stuff and wouldn’t think of doing that but in that moment it was absolutely great!

I am much more of a dominant than a sadist. Nevertheless I totally agree with goddessofevil: I love getting a reaction! Nothing is more dull than hitting and teasing your ass off and not getting a reaction.

But of course there are some concrete things I always enjoy:
– Tease & Denial
– Foot & Nylon Fetish
– Latex
– Bondage
– Impact Play (especially canes & single tails)
– Goddess Worship

If you like to follow the full discussion you can find it here.

Social Media Delights and Disgust

Good and bad are so close sometimes!

Lately I signed up to Whiplr (you will find me listed as an Elite soon) and to no ones surprise got showered with nude photos.
I’m now approaching a creative way to react to them: I respond with unicorn pictures. Why should these dudes feel less irritated than me? 😉

On the other hand I got one of the most lovely comments on one of my pictures on Twitter .

I am a huge Disney fan (yepp, more nerdy revelations 😉 ) and the redheaded, curious, knowledge seeking mermaid was always one of my favourites. So this comment brought a wide smile to my face and absoloutely made my day!

Rubber & Ropes

[English text below pictures]

Latex und Seilbondage – zwei meiner großen Leidenschaften, die in meinen Sessions erfreulich oft Hand in Hand gehen 🙂
Mir fiel kürzlich auf, dass ich zwar ab und an Sessionfotos in meinem Twitteraccount poste, das hier aber bisher zu kurz kam.
Daher werfe ich einfach mal ohne großes Getöse ein paar meiner Lieblingsbilder in die Runde. Der Anblick spricht für sich und den Rest erledigt das Kopfkino 😉

Rubber and rope bondage – two of my big passions that pleasantly often found together during my sessions 🙂
I recently noticed that I post session pics from time to time on my Twitter account
but that it been given short shrift here in my blog.
So I’m throwing in some of my favourite rubber bondage pictures without much talking. The photos speak for themselfes and the rest happens in your head 😉

Lingerie Madness

[English version below the picture]

Manchmal fühlt man sich ja vom Leben betrogen – aber zumindest kann man in manchen Fällen noch drüber schmunzeln. So einen Fall hatte ich gestern. Ich bekam eine Email von brands4friends, in der beworben wurde, dass es aktuell Hitachi-Produkte im Sale gibt. Eine Welle der Begeisterung überkam mich, denn natürlich war mein erster (und offen gestanden einziger) Gedanke der Magic Wand. Doch was schaute mich da an, als ich den Link anklickte? Akku-Schrauber und Rasenmäher. AKKUSCHRAUBER UND RASENMÄHER?!
Ich war enttäuscht, nein, geradezu empört! 😀
„Nun bin ich schon hier, mal schauen, was sie noch so haben…“ dachte ich und klickte auf das Bild mit der Passionata-Unterwäsche.
Ich scrollte ein wenig – und verliebte mich spontan! Smaragdgrüne Satin-Dessous funkelten mich an.
„Na, wahrscheinlich wieder nicht in meiner Größe…“ dachte ich.
DOCH! 80G!
Alle Enttäuschung über den nicht vorhandenen Vibrator war vergessen, ich sah mich schon freudig in grünem Satin über Felder und Wiesen hüpfen und dann … dann, stand da „AUSVERKAUFT“.
Neeeeein! Oh Konsumwelt, wie kannst du nur so grausam sein?

… ja, gut, ich neige heute vielleicht ein wenig zur Theatralik 😉
Aber ich finde das Set wirklich großartig, konnte es aber bei einer spontanen Web-Recherche nicht finden. Und hier, liebe Fangemeinde, kommt eure Schwarmintelligenz ins Spiel 😀
Ich mache so was ja sonst eher nicht, habe da aber in diesem Fall richtig Lust dazu:
Wer mir das Set (alle 3 Teile) besorgt, bekommt ein exklusives Video von mir in diesen Dessous.
Exklusiv heißt: Niemand sonst wird es zu sehen bekommen.
(BH: 80G, Höschen: 42/44)

Sometimes you feel like life defrauded you. But as long as you can chuckle about it everything is fine 😉
I had such a situation yesterday. I got an email from brands4friends in which they advertised selling Hitachi products right now. Of course my first – and to be honest – only thought was of course the Magic Wand. But when I clicked at the link what did I see? screwdrivers and lawnmowers! SCREWDRIVERS AND LAWNMOWERS?! Oh, screw you, screwdriver!
‚OK, now I’m here anyway. Let’s see what else they got.“ I thought and clicked on the picture of the Passionata lingerie. I scrolled I little bit – and fell in love instantly! A set of beautiful emerald green dessous.
‚Surely not in my size as usual…‘ I thought.
But NO! Ther it was: 80G! My size! Oh, the happiness!
Forgotten was all the frustration about the missing vibrator!
I saw myself hopping around happily and halfnaked with nothing more than this green satin set!
But there it was: SOLD OUT. Noooooo! Oh, world of consumerism how can you be so cruel?!

Yes, OK, maybe I’m a little overdramatic here 😉
But I’m really enchanted by this set and would love to own it. Sadly my web research didn’t get my anywhere. And here, my lovely fans, your fetishistic hive mind comes into play 😀
I usually don’t so this but this time it feels like fun and I’m in the right mood for it:
Whoever gets me that set (all 3 pieces) will get an exclusive clip of me in that dessous set.
Exclusive meens: Noone else will see it.
(bra: 80G, knickers: 42/44)

Goddess Worship – Bathtub & Maid

Ja, ich bin verrückt nach dekadenten Badeorgien! 😉
Dieses Mal habe ich mir die Gesellschaft einer süßen, vollbusigen Zofe gegönnt, die mich verwöhnt. Bemüh dich und dann darfst das nächste Mal vielleicht du im Kleidchen stecken, wenn ich ein Bad nehme…

Yes, I am obsessed with decadent bathing rituals! 😉
This time I treated myself with a lovely busty maid to treat me. If you are a good boy you could be in this dress the next time I take a bath…

Music: Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie

How Not To … Approach a Domme

Bad: No formal address at all.
Worse: Messing up titles (Miss, Madame, Lady, Herrin,…)
Worst: Addressing the completely wrong person!

If you really feel the need to send the exactly same request via copy and paste to a plurality of ladies at least have the brains and decency to make sure to put in the right name in the first line.
If you cannot manage that don’t be pissy about the lady if she is not as accomodating as you would wish she would be. There is a ton of timewasting idiots out there trampling on the nerves of your prefered lady. It’s your job to show her that you are not one of them – and it’s not that difficult at all. Just a little effort and respect and she will, too 🙂

By the way: That goes for private and professional Dommes alike 🙂